
19th Century Classical Brass Women Statue

  • $ 316.00


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Handcrafted brass statue of women with stem of a flower blowing in wind is a statue that depicts a female figure holding a stem of a flower in her hand, with the wind blowing through her hair and dress. The metal statue's pose is graceful and elegant, with the wind giving the impression of movement and vitality. The stem of the flower in the statue's hand is a symbol of beauty and the fleeting nature of life. The statue or art sculptures are likely a representation of the female form in art and the celebration of the beauty of nature. The statue is likely to be placed in a public area, such as a park or garden, as a work of art to be appreciated by the community. It could be part of a sculpture garden or part of a larger installation. It could be a contemporary or modern statue.

  • Pack of one piece
  • Material: Brass
  • As it Appears